Naomi J Hardy

 Solopreneur, Naomi J Hardy, is passionate about people and enjoys managing relationships during change, guiding business owners and their employees during uncertain times. 

A native Louisianan, Naomi grew up in a large family pushing her to learn and manage different personalities, “My family is a close-knit family where cousins are like sisters and brothers; aunts and uncles are like second parents. So, I grew up learning how to get along with different personalities, to listen, and to bring out the best in people.”

This skill led Naomi to work for Corporate America as a Human Resources employee.  When the company she was working for experienced department restructures, she along with other employees, was laid off. “I saw candidates that were a great fit for a position, but did not know how to present themselves or how their skillsets transferred to the job they were seeking. I was devastated as I sat on the other side of the conference table unable to give them guidance.”

Combining her professional experience, personal skills and the situation, she decided to establish her own business, Dunamis Transition Solutions, specializing in Human Resources, Change Management and Employee Relations focusing on the people side of change. Naomi’s business started to expand when the pandemic hit. She looked everywhere for assistance and was met with no help until she was introduced to LiftFund. 

Through LiftFund, she was able to apply for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan and received funds. “LiftFund not only listened to me as a business owner and solopreneur, but they also walked me through the process to secure my PPP Loan, provided info sessions and I was approved. LiftFund didn’t stop with assisting me in getting my PPP, they continued to communicate with me, offering services, teachings and webinars. They provided opportunities to hear how others were keeping their business going through the pandemic.” 

2020 was a year of challenges for Naomi but more so, a year of triumph as she has introduced a new service offering in alignment with her core business and values. Naomi is excited, inspired and looks forward to continuing to grow her business and supporting more clients in 2021.
