Richard Roberts, who passed in April, owned Central Texas Air Conditioning Company for many years in Bryan, Texas. He understood the journey of a small business owner. “Our Dad had a mentor when he was starting out with his air conditioning business. The man gave him a hand-up by ‘staking’ him the resources he needed starting out. This is one of the reasons Dad made this estate gift to LiftFund: that is what it does for small business owners,” said son, Ted.
Nancy Roberts, Ph.D. was a Blinn College professor in educational psychology, consultant, and children’s author who passed in 2014. “Mom’s focus was always helping others. She believed the path to a better life was through good parenting and that is what she taught several generations of students to be: good parents,” says their son, Bill.
“Our parents wanted to create a pathway for people who want to better their lives through hard work. LiftFund’s clients demonstrate that each day as they build their family businesses.” With these words, Richard and Nancy Roberts’ sons describe their parents’ motivation, who made LiftFund the co-beneficiary of several annuities through their estate planning nearly a decade ago.
“Our Mom and Dad came out of the post-World War II era with a great work ethic and a belief in the American Dream. They believed in capitalism and were frugal savers and conservative financially. Dad was proud to be a small business owner who could employ others and help their families.”
The Roberts believed in giving back and LiftFund was the nonprofit they identified when thinking about their estate plans in 2013. Their donation represents a growing number of estate and planned gifts that donors are choosing to make through the LiftFund Legacy program.
Visit here to learn about the many options you have to leave a lasting legacy to small business owners though LiftFund.
Ted Roberts concludes, “They believed that charitable things are what we do for others because it is the right thing to do.”